For a 105 years, Stanley has been known as a classic symbol of being #BuiltForLife. While that can be hard to define, it’s easy to identify. It’s that inner badass that pushes us to do remarkable things and wring the most out of life. Much like the legendary strength of our products that now have a new look, born out of a century old legend. This new look includes the return of our old mythical bear.
The original bear symbol was born from the folklore of the Stanley brand, a recurring character in many of the stories we hear from our community. He made his debut with a crown that had lightning bolts around it as a nod to the inventor of the Stanley bottle, William Stanley, Jr. He has lived through a few different iterations over the years, while the epic stories keep coming.
Since 1913 people have been telling us tales about being outside with their Stanley bottle, whether it be around a campfire, on the ranch, or wandering in the woods, when suddenly a bear shows up. Of course, nobody else was there to corroborate these adventures, and those who were,(?) may have had a few too many to remember. And so, the mythical bear was born.
The Stories Tend To Go A Little Something Like This:
Dear Stanley,
My wife and I went camping. After a few drinks and swinging some tunes around the campfire, we decided to turn in for the night. I was fast asleep and could have sworn I was dreaming when I heard something ruffling around the tent—it was a bear. I woke up with adrenaline running through my veins, reached for my Stanley, and turned in the dark to hit the bear. I was aiming to be a hero, instead I ended up hitting my wife on the head. Well, she turned and whacked me on the side of my head. While the two of us saw stars, the bear didn’t want any part of this and hit the road.
The guy with a wife tougher than his Stanley bottle
These tall tales get bigger and wilder each time they are told. In fact, it’s why we love them so much. What better way to remind people that the best stories out there are the ones that get better over time and the ones you tell your friends around the campfire (while you’re drinking from your Stanley, of course) than putting that mythical bear right smack-dab on the front of the bottle. So that’s what we did.
He’s affectionately known as Stan. And he’s looking right at you, waiting for your next story.