Picture this: You and a cadre of your best buds wake up bright and early after a long night of camping out at big outdoor music festival/art extravaganza/all-out-party. This whole weekend has been a blur as you listen to music, build bonfires, and carouse the night away. Maybe Jay brought along a bottle of fine aged bourbon that got passed around. Why the hell not - that’s what getaways like these are for, right?
This morning, though, as you unzip your sleeping back, stretch and stumble out of your tent, all that carousing has caught up with you. The cool morning air and grass between your toes is helping, but you need something warm and hearty to help you nurse your party wounds. Something with the right mix of sweet, spice, salt, and fat that is the key to all good hangover cures. Maybe even something that features a little hair of the dog, just to even things out and help the day get started. And, most importantly: Something you can make in a single mobile cook set, like the Stanley Adventure Series Base Camp.
Friend: Stanley’s got you covered. Our Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal is the perfect post-party panacea, ready to bring you and your compatriots back to life in a pinch. Ready to taste the magic? Read on, young buck:
Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal
Servings: 6-8 hungry peeps
- 2 cups of water
- 2 cups milk (or your favorite milk substitute)
- 2 cups of rolled oats - NOT instant oats, the real stuff. If you’re not down with the gluten, there are plenty of gluten-free options.
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tsp minced ginger
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tbsp Bourbon Barreled Maple Syrup (or plain maple syrup if you’re not feelin’ fancy)
- 2 shots of your favorite whiskey (and one shot for yourself)
- 2 pinches of salt (we love the Sea Salt, but anything from that pink stuff from the Himalayas to a dash of Morton's will work just as well)
- 4 - 8 slices of bacon, fried to a nice maple brown color but not brittle
The How To:
- Fry up your bacon in a saucepan. Be sure to wear pants, no matter how convinced you are there’s no one around to judge. Last thing you want is to have to explain how you got burned by bacon grease down there.
- Fill a large pot with your water and milk and get it boiling either over a campfire or gas-powered camp stove. Once it's boiling, add your rolled oats.
- Add your ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, and maple syrup. Add in your whiskey. Don’t sweat getting exactly two shots worth, just make sure it’s still more oats than booze when you're done.
- Slug or sip your shot of bourbon. You’re the chef, no one gets to tell you it’s too early.
- Stir it up, and let it cook down for about 10 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency. Stir every few minutes.
- When the oats are done, give it a good stir. Serve immediately, garnished with the bacon. Add a dash of maple syrup if you got a sweet tooth.
That’s it! Ten minutes and you’ve got yourself a hell of a belly coater with the right touch of sweet whiskey bite. You can tweak the recipe however you want, add in some berries for sweetness or mix in nuts and granola for crunch. If you can’t finish it all, toss what’s left in a Stanley Bowl and enjoy warm oatmeal and bacon for hours. Food like this deserves a toast… If you still have any whiskey left.