Stanley Creators Fund Program Guidelines

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Stanley Creators Fund offers grants of up to $50,000 to support leaders working at the intersection of humanity, sustainability and possibility. Our grant recipients represent a dynamic group of emerging Creators, Builders and Inventors who reflect the many communities they serve and bring optimism for a better future through their work.

Designed to support a wide variety of causes and challenges such as climate change, food security, housing security, and equity and justice, we are making space to learn from the Creators around the world who understand the nuances of solving these challenges. And we believe defining our global communities’ challenges is best left to the leaders who roll up their sleeves every day in their local communities. Applications for 2023 are now closed.


Stanley Creators Fund supports the voices, ideas, and advancement of social entrepreneurs and is designed to celebrate these leaders and the nonprofit organizations with which they are affiliated.
Recipients represent a dynamic group of diverse Creators, Builders and Inventors who reflect the many communities they serve. These leaders are deeply engaged in their communities, have designed innovative solutions to a pressing challenge, and bring optimism to their work. They are willing to partner with communities, individuals, and brands to build momentum by sharing their stories.
To be eligible, all awardees must operate or be affiliated with a qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which is able to receive corporate funding. Fiscal sponsors or partner organizations that are 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations may also apply.
Organizations that are well-suited for funding must meet the following eligibility criteria.
  • Demonstrate an aligned purpose with Stanley Creators Fund.
  • Operate in alignment with Stanley’s values and standards, including our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, or global equivalent, with a minimum of two years of operating history. In absence of operating history, proof of concept may be demonstrated.
  • Have annual operating incomes of no less than $100,000 USD and no more than $2,000,000 USD.
  • Demonstrate willingness to partner with Stanley brand and diverse stakeholders to amplify the story and progress of the awardee’s organization.


Applications were due on October 20, 2023. Check here for future opportunities.
Applicants are asked to provide the following:
  • Information on the leader who is applying
  • Information on the affiliated 501(c)3 organization
  • Description of the alignment with Stanley Creators Fund objectives, including:
    • The cause at the center of the applicant’s work
    • The qualities, accomplishments, or ideas that exemplify the applicant as an emerging creator
    • Ways in which the proposed solution is inventive and original
    • Specific actions that may be pursued as a result of funding from Stanley Creators Fund


Applications will be reviewed in three main phases.

  1. Eligibility Screening. The applicant and organization are screened for basic eligibility requirements, including legal structure, operational history, and program alignment.
  1. Application Evaluation. The application is reviewed based on Stanley Creators Fund criteria, which include the following:
    • Create, Build, Invent. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate innovation and originality in their approach to systems change.
    • Theory of Change. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate they have created, clearly defined, tested, and/or raised funding for an impactful solution to an urgent challenge.
    • Leadership and Voice. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate the use of a compelling voice and narrative to advance ideas, rally support, influence, and lead.
    • Project & Capacity. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate that funding from this program will enable additional development and/or delivery of the inventive and original solution.
    • Inclusion. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate that they prioritize equity and inclusion in their operational commitments and in their service delivery.
    • Partnership. The leader(s) and organization demonstrate a commitment to collaboration with a wide group of stakeholders and recognize the value of partnerships.
  1. Additional Information. Applicants who successfully demonstrate eligibility and strength on the above criteria may be asked to provide further information and/or join in conversation with Stanley Creators Fund representatives.



Inspired by the founding of our brand, Stanley Creators Fund provides early-stage award grants to support a new generation of Creators, Builders, and Inventors who reflect the many communities they serve. By investing in these leaders and amplifying their voices, we accomplish more together.

Designed to support a wide variety of causes and challenges, such as climate change, food security, housing security, and equity and justice, Stanley Creators Fund is an opportunity to learn from the Creators around the world who understand the complexities and nuances of solving these challenges in their local communities.


Yes, organizations and leaders located outside the U.S. are eligible for this program. These leaders must demonstrate that their organization is operating as the equivalent of a U.S. 501(c)3 nonprofit and operating with strong governance based on local standards.

We require that funding recipients operate as independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations or operate with a qualified fiscal sponsor 501(c)3 organization that is eligible to receive corporate funding.

  • Individuals that are not affiliated with a qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

  • Organizations that are not qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizationss, or global equivalent
  • Government agencies and/or political advocacy organizations designed to support political purposes, lobby regulators or elected officials, and/or elect candidates
  • Educational entities such as schools and colleges
  • Religious institutions such as houses of worship, affiliated organizations, and/or organizations intended to recruit or promote a specific religious faith
  • Organizations that violate Stanley’s values, standards of business conduct, non-discrimination policy, or do not comply with applicable U.S. or international law


Applications for 2023 are now closed. Check back for future opportunities.

Applicants will receive an email confirmation once the application has been submitted.

Applicants will only be contacted by Stanley if we require additional information and/or are ready to award funding. We anticipate contacting short-listed applicants by December 2023.


Recipients are reviewed based on eligibility criteria and alignment with program objectives, using the evaluation criteria noted above.

For the 2023 inaugural year of this program, we anticipate a minimum of four recipients and a maximum of eight recipients.

Yes! Applicants are welcome to reapply next year. Because 2023 is the inaugural year for this program, future changes to the program structure may occur. Please review the eligibility information carefully.


A minimum of $25,000 USD and up to a maximum of $50,000 USD will be awarded to each recipient in 2023. We reserve the right to adjust these values based on the number of applicants, size of awardee groups, and the strength of proposals.

In 2023, Stanley Creators Fund is awarding single-year funding. We recognize the value of multi-year funding and may choose to make multi-year awards in the future.

Stanley follows a trust-based model and expects that all awardees make transparent and responsible use of Stanley funding to advance their ideas and mission. Awardees are encouraged, but not required, to provide updates on their progress to Stanley. We hope to help awardees tell their stories and share their ideas with the world, though this is not a condition of funding.


For additional questions, please email us at We aim to respond to inquiries about the program within five working days. Due to the anticipated volume of interest, we cannot provide status updates on applications.

Updated: August 2023